Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home again, home again....

Well, the semester ended about two weeks ago and since then I have been spending time in utah... something that I will be doing for the next 3 1/2 months. I've got two jobs lined up so hopefully I will be working a lot and saving some mulah for school...
Since it's been a good while since my last post, I thought I would give a little 'shout out' to my awesome roommates who really made this past semester so great for me!
Jessica, Susan, Heather, Sarah, (Me) and Tehra, you girls are amazing! I am so grateful that we were roommates this semester. I learned so much from each of you! you girls are so great!! I miss you! Here are some more pictures from our roommate 'Photo shoot' if you will. Enjoy, we certinally did! :)
funny story behind this picture... we took these pictures out in the middle of nowhere, seriously we were driving and just pulled off on the side of the road and started taking pictures. While we were over on this train car, Kariann (Pink shirt on the right) was taking a picture of the 6 of us roommates. This car drove past, turned around and pulled off the road. Two guys got out and went up on a pile of rocks for like 30 seconds then came over and offered to take a picture of all 8 of us. We said that would be great and had them take two pictures of us. They asked if we needed anymore and us being the silly, oh so brilliant girls that we are said no. They asked again and we again said no. It was only after they left that we realized that they were probably 'flirting' with us and we didn't even know.... haha.

One more, of me and heather :)

Those are just a few of the MANY pictures we took. It was a great semester! Love and miss you girls!!

P.S. I even got a B+ in my chem class :) life is great!

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