Well, it's over :) I finished finals last thursday and I couldn't be happier! I had three finals on thrusday, Anatomy, New Testament and CHEMISTRY. I got a 120/125 on my anatomy final, 67/50 on my New Testament final, and...... 79% on my Chem final!!! That means I might even be able to pull a B- in that class! I am so happy about that because I honestly hate chemistry and will be so happy if I never have to do anything pertaining to that subject again! And I don't think I will have to... at least in my undergrad studies! Overall, finals went great and I am glad to be wrapping up my semester and starting my break. (Don't know how much of a break it wil be, but I'll talk about that later!)
On friday I had the opportuinty to participate in the dedicaiton of the new BYU-Idaho Center on campus. It was incredible! That building is incredible and the service was amazing. The symphony played in the meeting and it really was just an awesome experience!
After the dedication I packed up my car, moved most of my stuff into storage and then drove home... which took WAY longer than it needed to but I got home safe. Last night Dani and I went to the Salt Lake airport to get on a plane to fly to Boise to visit our Dad. When we got there we found out that our flight was delayed an hour, and we were like, oh well. So we were waiting and chillin in the airport. We finally boarded our fligt aroud 6:20 (we were supposed to leave at 5:35) By the time everyone was on, fueled and de-iced we took off around 6:45. Just 10 minutes away from landing we were put into a holding pattern because the Boise airport had shut down due to a snow storm. We tried to land but apparently couldn't see the runway so the pilot pulled up and the sent us back to Salt Lake. Once we landed in Salt Lake, we were all expecting to have to get off and figure out what to do from there.... But wehn we landed they told us that we were going to re-fuel and fly back to Boise. Hahahaha! So we finally got into Boise around 10:45 pm. All in all we feel pretty lucky that considering how much we fly that has only happend once. Now I am just chillin in Boise enjoying a little R & R from the semester! :)
Well, thats it for now from me :) Until next time....
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Live, Laugh, Love
So I've had this blog for awhile now, but I really haven't made much use of it and I've never really had a direction or purpose as to why I would want to. I'm not married, so no cute marriage things to put on here, I am just a college student going to a small church school somewhere in Idaho. But I have decided what I want to use this blog for. The inspiration for this came as a result of some roommate pictures that we took on sunday. This picture in particular.
This simple message has been on my mind since then.... and as cliche as this may sound, those three simple words are what life really is about isn't it? We are here to live, laugh and to love. This reminder really could not have come at a better time. Finals are this week and the stress is being laid on thick as I am finishing up my last week of my last chemistry class. I have been trying really hard to not let myself get to overwhelmed with the stress of finals and these words just kind of smacked me up side the head as a gentle reminder of what really is important. So because of the impact that this picture and these simple words of guidence this is my title and direction for my blog. I want to write about the experiences that I live, the experiences that make me laugh, and about the people and experiences that I love.
Top row: Brennan, Natalie, Chanel and Kelly
So here goes! To start off I want to fill in what has happend lately in my life. I am just about to finish up my 5th semester at BYU-Idaho. I am very excited to be on the downhill side of my bacholers program. I have been blessed with some fantastic roommates this semester. I feel like we have become a family in every sense of the word. We tease, we laugh, we get frusterated but we really do love eachother and have all been blessed by one another.
Bottom: Me and Tori
I love these 5 girls so much!
I have been tremendously blessed to have such room-roommate this semester! This is me an Brennan and I basically love her like a sister!
Well, for now that will have to do, but hopefully I will get better at writing on here! Until next time....Monday, December 13, 2010
Its been a long time......
Holy Crap! I haven't written anything on here for a long time! Dang, I really wish I was better at this... and now that I want to start writing on here again guess what time it is! FINALS. Great. Well I think that I am going to make catching up on my blog my 'break time' activity. Because, lets be honest, I can only do chemistry for so long before I start to get a headache.
So, until I have some more time to write... (hopefully later tonight) This will have to do. I am still alive and I am doing great. So many things are going great in my life, and hopefully I can catch you up on them soon... Until then just know that chemistry is hurting my brain..... oh boy.
So, until I have some more time to write... (hopefully later tonight) This will have to do. I am still alive and I am doing great. So many things are going great in my life, and hopefully I can catch you up on them soon... Until then just know that chemistry is hurting my brain..... oh boy.
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